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203 frases hechas y expresiones inglesas. Vocabulario inglés.
Inglés coloquial. Idioms. Expresiones útiles en inglés


203 Frases hechas y expresiones en inglés. Idioms

Fuente: http://www.eslcafe.com/idioms/

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76. get going: leave.
(comenzar, ponerse en marcha)

"Look at the time! I'd better get going!"

77. get it: understand something (often negative).
(entender, captar algo)

"I don't get it. What do you mean?"

78. get a kick out of something: find something amusing.
(flipar, divertirse con algo)

"I really get a kick out of listening to children talk. They say some very funny things."

79. get lost!: go away
(piérdete, vete a paseo)

"I wish he'd get lost and stop bothering me. I don't want to talk to him!"

80. get on one's nerves: irritate someone; make someone upset.
(poner de los nervios, irritar)

"I know you like that song, but it's getting on my nerves. Can you play something else?"

81. get a move on: hurry
(darse prisa)

"If you don't want to be late, you'd better get a move on."

82. get one's wires crossed: be confused or mistaken about something.
(estar confundido o equivocado sobre algo)

A: "Bill said there was a meeting this morning. Don't we have one?"
B: "No. The meeting's tomorrow. I guess Bill got his wires crossed."

83. get out of hand: become out of control; become badly managed.
(perder el control sobre algo)

"Your absences are getting out of hand, Bob. You'd better do something quickly to improve the situation if you want to keep your job."

84. Get real!: Be realistic! / Don't be naive.
(sé realista, no seas ingenuo)

A: "I'm going to Las Vegas. I know I'll win a lot of money!"
B: "Get real! You'll probably lose a lot of money!"

85. get up and go: energy.
(energía, fuerzas)
"I'm really tired. I don't have any get up and go."

86. give someone a hand (1): help someone.
(ayudar a alguien, echar una mano)

"I can't do this alone. Can you give me a hand?"

87. give someone a hand (2): applaud (to show respect or appreciation for someone/something).
(aplaudir, mostrar respeto a alguien)

"Dave's done a wonderful job with The ESL Café on the Web.
Let's give him a hand!"

88. a (real) go-getter: a (very) ambitious, hard-working person.
"I'm not surprised that Jean finished before anyone else. She's a real go-getter."

89. go with the flow: take things as they come.
"There's no need to worry. Everything will be OK if you just go with the flow."

90. grab a bite: get something to eat.
"I'm really hungry. Would you like to grab a bite with me?"

91. green: inexperienced.
"I don't think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. He's too green."


92. had ('d) better: be obliged to; should (strong).
(dar consejo para hacer algo, deber hacer algo)

"You'd better leave soon. If you don't, you'll miss your bus."

93. hassle (noun): a troublesome situation; something troublesome that interrupts one's normal routine.
(problema, inconveniente)

"I know it's a hassle to complete this form now, but Mr. Rogers
needs it in his office by the end of the day."
94. hard feelings: anger; animosity; bitter feelings.
A: "I'm sorry that Jim got the job instead of you."
B: "I have no hard feelings toward him; I know that he had stronger qualifications."

95. hard-headed: stubborn; inflexible; unwilling to change.
(terco, cabezota)

"I don't think Julie will change her mind. She's pretty hard-headed."

96. hassle (verb): annoy; bother; interrupt one's normal routine.
(molestar, interrumpir)

"If you'd stop hassling me, I might get this finished on time!"

97. have one's hands full: be extremely busy.
(estar muy ocupado)

A: "Will you be able to help us this afternoon?"
B: "I'm afraid not. I'll have my hands full trying to finish my research paper."

98. have/has ('ve/'s) got: have/has.

"Dave's got a son whose name is Benjamin and a daughter whose name is Shannon."

99. have something down pat: know/understand something completely and thoroughly.
(saber, entender algo perfectamente)

"I know I did well on the test. I had all the material down pat."

100. head honcho: person in charge; top boss.
(jefe, líder, cabeza, mandatario)

"Dave's the head honcho of the ESL Cafe on the Web."

101. hit the books: study.
(estudiar, hincar los codos)

"I wish I could go to the movies, but I've got to hit the books."

102. hit the hay: go to bed; go to sleep.
(irse a la cama, irse al sobre)

"It's late, so I guess I'll hit the hay."

103. hit the sack: go to bed.
(ir a la cama, irse al sobre)

"I'm really tired. I think I'll hit the sack."

104. How come?: Why? (statement word order).
(cómo es que...)

"How come you weren't at the party?"

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