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203 frases hechas y expresiones inglesas. Vocabulario inglés.
Inglés coloquial. Idioms. Expresiones útiles en inglés


203 Frases hechas y expresiones en inglés. Idioms

Fuente: http://www.eslcafe.com/idioms/

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105. if I had my druthers: if I could do what I wanted/preferred.
(si tuviera elección)
"If I had my druthers, I'd stay home from work today."

106. in over one's head: in a situation that is too much / too difficult for one to manage.
(estoy hasta arriba)
"Do you have time to help me? I thought I could do this myself, but I'm afraid I'm in over my head. I just can't handle things alone."

107. inside out: with the inner part on the outside and the outer part on the inside.
(del revés)
"Why are you wearing your tee shirt inside out?"

108. in stock: in supply and available to buy / sell.
(en stock, disponible para servir)
"I'm sorry, but we just sold our last pair of hiking boots. If you come back
at the end of the week, however, we should have some more in stock.

109. in the black: profitable; not showing a financial loss.
(con saldo a favor, rentable)
"What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses?
We've been in the black for two months in a row."

110. in the red: unprofitable; showing a financial loss.
(en números rojos, con deudas)

"We have to do something to increase profit and decrease losses.
We've been in the red for two months in a row."

111. in time: not late.
(a tiempo)

"I thought I was going to be late for my flight, but it was delayed, so I was still in time."


112. jump all over someone: severely criticize / find fault with someone.
(criticar, echarse encima de)

A: "What's wrong with Joe?"
B: "He's feeling bad because his boss jumped all over him this morning."

113. jump the gun: do something before it's time to do it.
(precipitarse en hacer algo)

A: "How did Marsha know about the party? It was supposed to be a surprise."
B: "Chuck jumped the gun. Without thinking, he said, 'I'm bringing the cake at your party;
I hope you like it!"

114. jump to conclusions: decide something too quickly and without thinking about it or considering all the facts.
(sacar conclusiones apresuradas, adelantar acontecimientos)

A: "Angela just doesn't like me. She won't even say hello."
B: "You're jumping to conclusions. Actually, she's very shy."

115. junk mail: unsolicited mail (usually advertisements for something you're not interested in).
(correo no solicitado, spam)
"I didn't have any letters today--only junk mail."


116. keep an eye on: check something regularly.
(echar un vistazo)
"You're busy, so you'll need to keep an eye on the time.
Remember that we have to leave at 4:30."

117. keep an eye out for: watch for.
(estar alerta, estar pendiente, mantenerse alerta)
"I'll keep an eye out for John. If I see him, I'll tell him you want to talk to him."

118. keep one's chin up: remain brave and confident in a difficult situation; don't despair or worry too much.

"I know that things have been difficult for you recently,
but keep your chin up. Everything will be better soon."

119. keep one's nose to the grindstone: stay diligent; steadily work hard, without breaks or an uneven pace.
(matarse a trabajar)

"If I keep my nose to the grindstone, I should be finished by the end of the day."

120. keep/stay in touch (with someone): remain informed (about someone) / in contact (with someone) by writing, calling, sending e-mail, etc. on a regular basis.
(estar en contacto con alguien)

"I haven't seen Frank for two or three years but we keep (stay) in touch by e-mail."

121. keep one's fingers crossed: hope for the best.
(cruzar los dedos (para evitar la mala suerte) )
A: "How did you do on the test?"
B: "I think I passed, but I won't know until tomorrow.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!"


122. kid (noun): child.
A: "You have three kids, don't you?"
B: "That's right. I have two girls and a boy."

123. to kid (verb): playfully say something that isn't true.
"I was kidding when I said my teacher was a monster. She's strict,
but she's actually a very nice person."

124. kind of: rather; more or less; a little.
(más o menos, un poco)
"I'm feeling kind of hungry. I think I'll make myself a sandwich."

125. a klutz: an awkward, uncoordinated person.
(un torpe, negado)
"Don't ask Jeff to dance with you. He's a real klutz and will probably step on your feet!"

126. a know-it-all: someone who acts as if he/she knows everything--as if no one
can tell him/her anything that he/she doesn't already know.
(un sabelotodo)

"Don't try to make any suggestions to Bob. He's a know-it-all
and won't pay attention to anything you say."

127. know something backwards and forwards: know/understand something completely and thoroughly.
(saber algo como la palma de la mano, ser un experto en algo)

"If you have a question about html tags, ask Susan. She knows html
backwards and forwards."

128. know something inside out: know/understand something thoroughly.
(saber algo como la palma de la mano, ser un experto en algo)
"If you have a question about grammar, ask Dr. Martin. She knows grammar inside out."


129. lend someone a hand: help someone.
(echar una mano, ayudar)
"I can't do this alone. Can you lend me a hand?"

130. leave well enough alone: do nothing (because doing something would make things worse).
(dejar algo estar, no hacer nada)
"Don't tell Jim how to discipline his children. Leave well enough alone."

131. a let-down: a disappointment; something that's very disappointing.
(una decepción)
"It must've been quite a let-down not to be chosen for that job.
I know you really hoped you would get it."

132. Let sleeping dogs lie.: Don't cause problems by doing something when it isn't necessary.
(dejar algo estar, no causar más problemas)
"I know that what Julie said made you angry, but let sleeping dogs lie.
If you say or do anything, you'll only make things worse."

133. live from hand to mouth: survive on very little money; have only enough money
(sobrevivir con poco dinero)
to pay for basic needs.
"Chuck and Alice are living from hand to mouth since Chuck lost his job."

134. live and let live: don't unnecessarily make things difficult;
(vive y deja vivir)
do as you wish and let others do as they wish.
"I'm not going to criticize Alice's family just because their habits
are a little strange. My motto is 'Live and let live.'"

135. a low blow: a big disappointment.
(una gran decepción)
A: "Fred seems depressed. Is he OK?"
B: "He's OK, but not good. It was a low blow for him to be laid off from his job."

136. lousy: terrible; very bad.
(terrible, muy malo)
"Why did you speak so rudely to your grandmother? That was a lousy thing to do!"

137. macho: super masculine / masculine to an extreme (in appearance and behavior).
(macho, muy masculino)
"Her husband would never agree to help with the housework;
he's too macho to do that."

138. make a mountain out of a molehill: make something seem much more important than it really is.
(hacer una montaña de un grano de arena)

"Calm down. There's really nothing to worry about.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill."

139. make up one's mind: decide what to do.
(tomar una decisión, decidir)
A: Where are you going on your vacation?
B: Maybe Canada, maybe Mexico. I can't make up my mind."

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